База отдыха 'Куэльпорр' 

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Гостиница в самом сердце Хибин


The hotel is located 20 km from the nearest city Kirovsk (Murmansk region). Kirovsk has no Airport/Railway station, the majority of tourists arrive to Apatity railway station/airport (20 km from Kirovsk) or Murmansk airport (200 km from Kirovsk) and then get to Kirovsk by taxi or regular bus.

See below the list of sites for cheap tickets purchase:
  • You can get to Apatity by train or plane. Trains go daily from St. Petersburg or Moscow. The schedule and rates can be checked in the Russian Railways company site (www.rzd.ru).

  • Murmansk and Apatity airports have regular flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg, the schedule and rates can be clarified on the site of Aeroflot (www.aeroflot.ru, www.airkirovsk.ru).

  • Регулярные рейсы также есть и в Апатиты, ознакомиться подробнее можно на сайте аэропорта города Апатиты.

  • If you arrived at Murmansk by airplane, you can reach Apatity railway station by train or by taxi/bus directly to Kirovsk. It will take you about 3-5 hours.

Winter time

Snowmobile is the only means of transport to get to the hotel during winter-time.
We can book a transfer to the hotel and back, one snowmobile has up to 4 people capacity (with sledges). We have everyhting for safe transfer — snowmobile suits, snow goggles and helmets. Journey time — 30-40 minutes.

Summer time

It's much easier to get to the hotel in summer by car, preferably by 4*4 car, as the road is like rough cross-country track with lots of road humps. Travel time by car — about 1 hour.

Prices for transfer »

If you travel by your own car please check our GPS: Latitude 33.7294006 67.6358871/Longitude. In case of any doubts do not hesitate to contact us.

Have a nice holiday!
© 2014, База «Куэльпорр», +7-921-510-00-30, info@kuelporr.ru